Isaiah 6:8

Then I heard the Lord asking, "Whom should I send as a messenger to this people? Who will go for us?" I said, "Here I am. Send me."

Monday, June 7, 2010

One of my jobs today was to work on the irrigation system here at Hannah's with James and Caleb. Our job was to dig and level out trenches that provide trees with water from a source. I was pretty excited about this because I love plants and the trees here are gorgeous :) However, when I learned that the source of water feeding these plants was from the septic tank, I was not so excited! It was a pretty smelly job... haha!

About half way through the morning when I was starting to get frustrated at our failed attempts of leveling out the trenches, I started watching the water more intently. God began to speak to me & I learned a little lesson :)

When water is stopped along it's path it pays no attention to what is thrawting it. It simply changes direction and carries on flowing in a different path. Like water, I often change direction when something blocks my path. This can be a good thing in many situations, but today God showed me that I often change directions when HE places specific blocks along my path. Just like we were trying to help the water reach its destination at the other end of the irrigation system by leveling the dirt out, God places specific things & people in our lives to help level out our path as well. Instead of changing directions and finding a different path, if I would just be patient and use the tools or people that God places in my life to get past the block in my path, I too will reach the destination that God has for me at the end of my path :)

It has been an amazing trip so far and I know I can speak for everyone on the team when I say that. We are all learning so much and receiving so much joy from the people and the enviroment down here. I am very excited to see what God personally teaches me next and how He works in the other members on the team :)

I hope everyone is having a wonderful week and I can't wait to share more with ya'll when we get home :)
-Erin Bales
(aka Poop Digger) .... Thanks to Shelby ;)


  1. Mary is a brave girl.I know. Is she ok?dennis

  2. Erin - you are the most awesome Poop Digger I know! :) How awesome to hear how God is using you and speaking to you! Praying you continue to soak in each moment you are there! Blessings all over you! Say hey to Megan for me! Jesus all over the both of you! :) love, amyv

  3. Oh Poop Digger how I love thee! God uses those moments when we are so far outside of our comfort to teach and open our eyes! Thanks for sharing! I can't wait to hear about the rest of your trip when you get back! Keep building memories and friendships!

  4. P.s. Tell Tris Happy Birthday for me ;)All of your stories are beautiful! I can see that God is all over everything going on there! Love it!

  5. Mary is doing great. Just thought you should know.

    Jamie powell

  6. erin, never would have thought you'd have the name poop digger. great lesson you learned for yourself and for us from digging! can't wait to hear more
