Isaiah 6:8

Then I heard the Lord asking, "Whom should I send as a messenger to this people? Who will go for us?" I said, "Here I am. Send me."

Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Creation of a Testimony

I am going to start my story at the end, because the grand finale here is actually just the beginning. Then Ill pick up with the rest.

Last night we had the pleasure of attending Church in Lima. It was an incredible experience. Three of our team members gave their testimonies, and I am sincerely honored to have been able to witness that. I sat there knowing that I really couldn’t get up in front of a group and do that – I don’t have a testimony to share. I haven’t even given my life to Christ. I haven’t been Saved. There has been a battle over my heart – and darkness has won for so long. I have told myself over the last few months that “Ill do it when I am ready, I am just not ready yet. The walls around my heart are still too strong to let Christ in. Maybe during the retreat this fall. Maybe… “

As many Churches do, towards the end of the service they called for anyone that needed prayer, needed to be Saved, needed to be loved – to come up front. I have seen it happen a hundred times in many different Churches. It has always been my time to freeze and hide. Slowly, people started to come up – members of the Church – very few of which spoke any English. One young man in a white biker jacket walked to the center of the group, talked briefly with one of the Church leaders, and completely broke down. Adam McDonald walked up behind the man, placed his hand on the man’s shoulder, prayed and poured love into him while the Church official prayed and the man cried. More members of our team did the same for the other people that had come up. Adam had left just enough room for someone else to stand beside him.

This time I didn’t freeze. I didn’t avert my eyes and emotions. I didn’t crawl into my little box to hide. I moved. I actually had to move a chair out of my way to get beside Adam. It was time, I was ready.

So there I was, standing in the front of a Church in Lima, Peru with my hand on the back of a young man that spoke a completely different language than me, as he was completely broken and was being prayed over by a leader of that Church. Adam with one hand on the man’s back, and the other hand tight around my shoulder, not even realizing that at that moment I was giving my life to Christ. Finally. Freedom. Peace. For the first time in a very long time I could truly, deeply, and completely – feel. I knew at that moment that my marriage would be safe, my children would know deep, fatherly love, and that I could smile a pure smile. My wife would have all of me, which is what she has been longing for and deserves. And for you to understand all of that, I have to go back to the beginning.

I have been broken most of life – all of my adult life. Horrible things happened early in my life that caused me, as a defensive mechanism, to build solid walls around my heart. These walls were created to protect myself from those memories; to seal them away forever. And it worked. It worked so well that by the time I was a young adult I had completely forgotten about those early events. In my mind, and I mean this completely: it never happened to me. But it worked too well. Along with those memories went the bulk of my emotions. The deep, complete, feel it to your core emotions that most people take for granted were locked away in that same, dark, concrete box. I have spent most of my life incapable of having deep, and in some aspects even minor, feelings of any sort for anything. My Marriage, the birth of my children, relationships with friends, children, and family – all have been shallow.

I have faked emotion so often over the years, and I didn’t even realize it. It took my wife almost walking out the door with our kids – breaking me completely – before I even realized what was going on. I felt deep sorrow and fear. I felt emotions in a deeper sense than I had ever before, or at least that I could remember. There was a small crack in the massive walls, and I was forced to look at what was inside. I remembered. And I was rocked to the core. I had almost destroyed my Marriage, I was failing as a father, I have very few friends, and I now had a glimmer of an understanding as to why. But aside from that sudden spike of fear and sorrow, I was still numb – I was still void of deep emotion. But now I realized I was broken. It was me. Not my lovely wife or my amazing kids who I had laid so much blame on. It was me that was the problem. At least I understood that much– now its time to fix the “problem” – aka: Neill.

I realized that in order to “fix” this (thinking that I was the one to fix it) that I would need to talk about it to someone. I met with a counselor, I spoke about it in life group - and I talked to Joey and Rob Eslinger about it. The meeting with Joey was significant, of course, but I didn’t realize why until last night. After laying out this same story to Joey and pouring my heart out, he paused – just for a moment – and said in his matter of fact way:

“So what’s your question?”

Really? I just poured my heart out! Im a victim! And that’s all you have? What’s your question? You might have just as well said “And….what do you want me to do about it?”

I fumbled a bit, but to me at this point it was an identity crisis. I needed to know who I was because everything before was so fake. So he gave me some things to work on to help me find my identity though Faith – a spiritual gifts personality test and a worksheet that has some guidelines to help find your Christian identity. I took the test, and wasn’t shocked at the results. I guess I did know who I was. Service, Mercy, Helps, Hospitality, Administration. Those were my gifts, and those are things I use and show on a daily basis. Check – I am me, and I know me. At least I know enough about me to move forward.

So the next battle was with the walls. I know who I am, it is time for the walls to come down. I went on this trip because Rob needed men to sign up. That was the main reason. I had very few expectations outside of helping build an orphanage. I hoped that maybe my walls would be broken, but I wasn’t sure.

For the first 2 days, the walls actually grew. I closed myself in and hid. I still served, I still worked my tail off, but I was not open. I was closed tight. I was hiding in my box watching everything from behind these safe walls. Slowly though… I started to crawl out.
On Tuesday, Jamie and I were assigned to breaking large stones in to small chunks that we would use to line the irrigation system for the trees. Yes! I get to use a sledge hammer! We beat on the first 100lb stone for a while before it gave up anything at all. Eventually, small parts of the stone started to break off. And then it gave. It split. And I felt the walls around my heart shudder.
God taught me not to give up, I will break these walls. Little did I know that there was a completely different lesson in the works for me. The real lesson came out crystal clear last night as I sat and listened to the message the Prophet at that Church in Lima delivered (translated to English by one of our awesome Peruvian translators). And Joey’s response suddenly made sense as well.

Come to Christ, and there will be no walls. Joey’s response was so simple, yet so profound when I got it. My story is sad in parts, but so what? The real story is about the here and now. I can beat on those walls all I want, but as soon as I asked for forgiveness and Salvation – the walls vanished, as though they were never even real. It was indeed that simple. Much like Joey’s response. There was no question, really – just a simple answer. Come to Christ.

That’s my testimony. This is the beginning.

I could go on and on about how much today meant to me. Today I Lived. I felt deep Joy as I watched Liz wrap her arms around a young girl from the orphanage on the bus as the young girl rested her head against Liz and closed her eyes. That was the highlight of her day – for both of then probably – and I felt every drop of it. I felt pride as I marched through the streets of Chilca in the parade. I felt so many different things today.. I could go on.. but I am not. Its almost 2am here, and I have to be up and ready at 7am to go mix concrete at the same Church in Lima that I gave my life to Christ at.

Neill Horton

One last thing: Scott Sterling, this is for you:

St. Nick's Gifts put to use... finally!!!

Que pasa mis amigos en los Estados Unidos?
(What's up my friends in the United States?)

To the people of Gateway and even our extended family following this blog, I'm truly blessed with gifts from God that for the longest time I tried to use for my own selfish reasons, without fulfillment of any kind. For a long time I have failed to recognize how God wanted me to use these gifts and lacked a sense of belonging or even how to fit into Gods desires for my life... I now have an answer that is concrete and as firm as the concrete we mixed and poured today! Through talking to the people on this trip with me, and even through seeing Gods gifts at work, God has laid it heavily upon my heart that I'm to strive towards the goal of being a teacher or counselor in the school system. The puzzle pieces given to me through prayer and realization of my spiritual gifts (thanks to Joey Butler) have finally been put together, with help from additionary missionaries, to see the full picture of God's plan for me! His orchestration is beyond comprehension when he extends his finger and plans to perfection. Tu eres santo (you are holy), tu eres dios (you are God). I'd like to ask for prayer from my brothers and sisters in Christ to help me line things up to run towards God's new goal for my life!

Gloria a dios!

St. Nick Malick

p.s. Quit looking for great big things that God does in your life, some of the most beautiful things are those things that are minute and right under our noses, God works wonders in small miracles. Go from Woe is me, to Wow is he!!!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

**Incase you didn't catch it pn the last post..we were trying to spell out DELIGHTFUL and CONTINOUS JOY :)

Gracias Amigos!
This trip has brought me more than joy.more than excitement.more than change..more than what I would have expected and I do not regret any one minute in Peru.

I went into this mission trip as a leap of faith waiting for God to move mountains in me, and I have only fallen harder for Him. I have not only seen joy and Christ's love in the Peruvian children, but in those who I have been surrounded with since 4am on Saturday morning. The thirty four other people on this team have suprised me in their countinous love and joy for one another :)

By the Peruvians time telling skills, one I would fit quiet well in with, I have seen so much joy I would easily skip over at home. Overlooking dailing moments and memories can be such a bummer...yet when you take the time to soak in and enjoy everything that happens, something amazing occurs. You stop overloking and see every moment for what it is worth. :) This lifestyle has forced me to realize the importance of slowing down and has allowed me to take the time to notice details and notice the amazingness in simplicity.

As I was measuring piping for the plumbing and putting it together like a jigsaw puzzle with Shelby today I realized how much I was smiling. :) I was not smiling because I am in Peru for the first time or because piping is just that exciting. I was smiling because I was loving this moment and taking in everything that was only happening then. Not what was to come. I slowed down enough to listen and to learn. By living in the moment and not rushing to the text task at hand I was able to stop and really invest time into those around was so worth it!

So then later on tonight this kinda crazy girl..I mean super amazing bunkmate..Erin "Poop Digger" Bales :) and I came up with a few words to describe our experience so far.

Dumbfounding / Da Bomb!
Endless amounts of energy from the Peruvian children
Laughter..lots of it :)
Insightful converations...and stories
Gaining knowledge about plumbing and God! :)
Transforming our hearts
Fulfilling our souls
Unique team-members
Love <3


Change in our hearts = better :)
Omnipresent :)
New friends..and sisters..
Trasparent lives
AH - MAZING!!!!!!!
Giving our all
Exactly where were supposed to be
One step at a God all the time
Unbelievable food..we love those Pb&Js ;)
Stretching our faith

Jeremiah 29:11
Outpouring of the spirit. :)

Waking up in 5 hours four our next adventure..can't wait to be a light for Christ in these dim and dark places! Muchas gracias for the comments on the blog and for all the prayers coming our way. Your joy and trust in God is more than we could ever ask for while in Peru.

Love you all!!
Have a muy bien day :)

P.S. Incase you haven't heard yet..Mary is ok after her fall and was dancing again today at VBS. Everyone is healthy and we couldn't ask for more :)

Why did it take 50 years?

What an amazing day I had! I was "killed" by a ping-pong ball, danced like a fool, practiced marching on the rough dirt streets for over two hours, used power tools in a third world countrty, and had "Happy Birthday" sung to me by about 50 or so beautiful Peruvian children! The highlight of the day was being a part of the VBS and seeing the Love of God when you look at the children. There is such joy in the faces of the people here, people who have nothing, you can't help but wonder what is it we are missing in our lives at home. God is pushing me to see the world more like he does. This was truly a birthday I will never forget!

Tristan Anderson

God lives outside my comfort zone>

Ive listened to people say that this mission trip will wreck my life and I wasnt realy sure what that meant let alone look like. We boarded a bus at the Lima airport bound for Chilca Peru on what seemed like a day that would never end. From that moment to this, its been an amazing ride. Ive seen buildings that looked like they were falling down and in total ruin only to see a light coming from it and being able to make out the figure of a person who is living in it and the clothes out on a makeshift clothesline. the living conditions that the people of Peru live in would just blow your mind. Reading this blog does not do any of it justice nor will the stories when I get home. In the midst of all the poverty is so much beauty. We went to Pucu Sana Peru and had lunch on Sunday at the mouth of a hole in the side of a hill that water rushed thruogh and into a lagoon. At the top of the hill was the most breath taking view that Ive ever seen of the ocean and the cliffs and waves crashing. Pictures do not do it justice. The sad part is that when you turn around from that awesome view you will find hundreds and hundreds of shacks where these people live, built all over the side of the hills that surround this whole area. Trash litters the ground wherever you go no matter where that is. You would think that the people in this area would be not so friendly, but it was and is just the opposite. We are greeted with smiles and hugs and kisses on the cheek. I have gone to VBS twice now to help bring God to them only to have God show himself to me through them. I thought I would just be standing on the sidelines and just watching butGod has showed me that he is not where I am the most comfortable. God has shown me that he lives just outside my comfort zone. In stepping outside my comfort zone I have met so many people and seen so many things. God showed me what true faith looks like in the family who run Hannahs Home. Lynn, Melissa, Vicky and Aron, sold everything they owened in the states to come here and do what God has led them to do. THAT IS TRUE FAITH. To go to another country and begin to help people get a hand up and help provide a better start to life to children is the most selfless thing ive ever witnessed. WOW!!! There is so much to tell about this trip and how God is working here that my mind is stumbling over itself trying to fit it all in. I feel so blessed to be here and get to see what God is doing for the kids here in Chilca not to mention what he is doing in my life. Thank you God, thank you Gateway , thank you staff here at Hannahs Home and thank you to the team of 35. You have all blessed me beyond words. I cant wait to come back.

Jamie Powell

Monday, June 7, 2010

One of my jobs today was to work on the irrigation system here at Hannah's with James and Caleb. Our job was to dig and level out trenches that provide trees with water from a source. I was pretty excited about this because I love plants and the trees here are gorgeous :) However, when I learned that the source of water feeding these plants was from the septic tank, I was not so excited! It was a pretty smelly job... haha!

About half way through the morning when I was starting to get frustrated at our failed attempts of leveling out the trenches, I started watching the water more intently. God began to speak to me & I learned a little lesson :)

When water is stopped along it's path it pays no attention to what is thrawting it. It simply changes direction and carries on flowing in a different path. Like water, I often change direction when something blocks my path. This can be a good thing in many situations, but today God showed me that I often change directions when HE places specific blocks along my path. Just like we were trying to help the water reach its destination at the other end of the irrigation system by leveling the dirt out, God places specific things & people in our lives to help level out our path as well. Instead of changing directions and finding a different path, if I would just be patient and use the tools or people that God places in my life to get past the block in my path, I too will reach the destination that God has for me at the end of my path :)

It has been an amazing trip so far and I know I can speak for everyone on the team when I say that. We are all learning so much and receiving so much joy from the people and the enviroment down here. I am very excited to see what God personally teaches me next and how He works in the other members on the team :)

I hope everyone is having a wonderful week and I can't wait to share more with ya'll when we get home :)
-Erin Bales
(aka Poop Digger) .... Thanks to Shelby ;)